Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Whats a Girl To Do
Deck the Halls
Friday, November 26, 2010
super neat little tidbit
setting us off on the right foot, or right winter tire, is this super neat little tidbit of a video (don't be fooled, it will change you. seriously. take a break and watch it a second time. worth it.)
thanks to fang's mama for discovering and sharing.
-that human
Friday, November 12, 2010
YUM does Global Summit - Day 5
Letters Home
*Whew* Long stretch, big stretch.
Thursday morning was bright and sunny again, and our troop lamented the thought of returning to the cold (and often dark, cloudy) north. A breakfast of as many leftovers as we could muster plus a meeting with a mysterious San Franciscan interested in our school left us full and excited to get out in the fresh air.We cabbed it down to the (in)famous Height/Ashbury neighborhood were we quickly got to store hopping. Vintage clothing, shoe makers, custom t-shirts, piercing & tattoos, friendly dogs and their humans, mexican food, big city parks, old friends... we only had a short time until we had to rush to the airport, but we packed it to the brim FER SURE.
After our quick dip into San Francisco's personality we got back on a plane up to Seattle where we spent a few hours eating a french fry and some chocolate. Our picnic was structure around a dripping roof and the wheelchair storage, but as you can see we were giggling the whole way home:
Arriving in Spokane we found that The Inquisitor's luggage had loved SF so much that it stayed behind, to be FEDXed home in the next two days or so.
We finally found snow in Rossland, driving through in the wee hours of the morn. The final leg of our trip was quiet and we realized that this adventure may just have been more of a breath in than a breath out.
Farewell, big city, thanks for hosting us mountain girls.
Fang, who looks forward to her toes touching the ocean again soon
& PFD, that human, B, Squinty, The Inquisitor and YUMmy
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
YUM does Global Summit - Day 4
Wednesday - November 10, 2010
It rained last night, cleansing the city streets. Cleansing our pallet. Cleansing our taste for the day, for the city, for the summit we came here to attend.
Easing into our morning with fritatta and fruit salad. Good conversation and sunshine.
The work is hard. It is not meant to be easy. Inner conflict. Isolation. Assumptions. Let's make sure we know what we say -- that we mean what we say. Reflect on lofty language - i.e. what is global? what is freedom? what do we mean when we say, "we're going to change the world?".
Gathering in a circle, celebrating women's flexibility and empowerment through entrepreneurial action - we were filled with inspiration. New projects on the horizons.
Gathering in our media group, we were called to action, based on the desire to focus on what we're doing right and empowering one another to create our own media. We are the media. We created a blog. Check it out here. www.ahhawonder.blogspot.com
Beautiful T-Bird played her flute for us and we were soothed and transported towards a place of peace, reminding us of the power of the arts to connect and transform.
Tomorrow - look out San Francisco, 'cause YUM is on the loose! Time for some exploring and soaking up this dynamic city.
Until then,
nighty night ...
pfd (on behalf of the YUMmers)
YUM Does Global Summit Day 3
Starting the day off with a fantastically YUMmmmmy breakfast we spoke of intentions and an openness for the day we had already begun. What would transpire today? (So much) Would there be other youth there? (Nope) How would we be received? (With curious and evaded eyes) Many questions and nothing to do but throw ourselves in there and experience, collaborate and take it all in.
Listening to people tell us about activism, following passions, co-creating and connecting we wanted to stand up, throw our Passion Banner in the air and yell, "We're doing that!" We didn't then, in the midst of the carefully placed chairs, but it came a time where we could no longer wait for an invitation to share. And so came out the Passion Banner and a gaggle of ladies - look out! The shift in the room was palpable with curious eyes and some sense of relief that there was action, colour and questioning moving the talk to something more real.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
YUM does Global Summit - Day 2
Skipping along in the sun, on her way to the Global Summit, this human knew everything was moving forward. She could feel the vibes of all the delegates coming together to inspire, create, and participate in a "Laboratory of Collaboration". Nervous-excited energy was buzzing in all of us as we found our way to the pier where our next three days would be spent.
We immediately felt in the right place as the GS started off chanting different rhythms- "lum," "rum" and then "vum" and then finally "YUUUMMM"! How Weird (in the etymological sense of the word)?!
We hosted our PASSION BANNER workshop, engaging youth eager to share their passions and pin a piece of themselves onto our growing passion community.
The Life Spiral workshop was new to me, hosted beautifully by the other members of the SDH group i was free to fully participate in the newness of it. The Fibonacci Spiral itself fascinates me, but to apply it to my life, the life of others, truly was broadening.
My day was filled with inspiring (and sometime controversial) speakers, new ideas and energizing conversations. It really became clear today that we are in a different country and it has been so much fun realizing our Canadian idiosyncrasies.
There's no doubt that our days will continue to be as full and fun as today, and so I sign out with sleepy eyes awaiting to hit a pillow.
goodnight, from SF
that human
p.s. Ana found a new place to hang out:
Sunday, November 7, 2010
YUM does Global Summit - Day One
A-ha! Yes!
Destination reached!
The day started out at with a quick meeting at the Legion- and then we hit the road! We checked in at the border (with a quick conversation about the probability re: red-haired children by red-haired parents) and flew from Spokane into
San Francisco!
We haven't had much energy for much other than ordering dinner, scoping out our new digs (IH SF @ Fisherman's Wharf) and preparing for tomorrow and now everyone's tucked into their bunkbeds except for Fang, who brought you this fine note.
So before this gets out of hand and becomes another of my infamous rambling mini-novels, I'm going to sign out and say good-night, San Francisco, I can't wait to see you in all of your glory tomorrow morning; let the sun shine.
6 munchkins with travel weary bones & bums
almost all of us getting ready to take flight:
Our comunal drawing (an activity inspired by the time spent waiting in the airport):
Monday, October 4, 2010
Yeah, well, one of the designers, Olivia Mansveld (a deep-down-to-the-core-in-every-sense-or-the-title 'SelfDesign-er'), has been busy sewing up side seams and such and has gotten herself into another exposition of greatness:

Many different designers from the Nelson area were showcased in this event that was a Huge Happening a few weeks ago. Bright lights + packed seats (and standing room) + Kootenay cultured apparel + an outdoor runway + a sneak preview of Lady Gaga and her twin = a fashion show like no other (for the third year in a row)!
Here are some of Olivia's new creations (and some returning fav's)

if you haven't already check out Children of the Seams here!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Summer Visual Art Intensive

The art intensive this summer was incredible for all those who participated. It was full of laughter and friendship from day to day, a memory that will last with the artists forever. The show it's self was enough of a pay off, the attendance that the community gave was glorious and we had more people come in and check the show out then we ever hoped.
For those of you who missed out on this amazing opportunity, do not fret. There is a video interview with all the artists, and pictures to show you what you missed, to satisfy your curiosity.
Sreyal: SelfDesign High Summer Art Intensive from Y.U.M. Initiative on Vimeo.
Monday, August 16, 2010
It's not a question. Questions imply a right and wrong answer. Its not a question, its a fact. Facts have origins. Your origin, your reason, can't be wrong. We can't judge it. We can be inspired, impressed. We can say "oh wow...i hadn't thought of that before now", but we can't reject it.
so: what is your passion?
(also known as the YUM team)
We set our booth up: tickle trunk, info, face painting, stickers and the center piece - our banner.
Using recycled bits of fabric, market goers were encouraged to write their passion(s) and safety pin it/them to our banner - a collective peace flag inspired, quilt resembled, patch work of collective community passions.
Next stop was Kimberley, BC, where we were met with warm, inviting, open arms. We stayed the night at the Little Cabin, surrounded by board games, mix matched dishes, and a multitude of nooks and crannies. There was excitement in the air - the electricity of staying somewhere new. Glancing around the room, we discovered a guest book, complete with entries from previous guests - B: "Let's do a workshop here!!!"
The next day, we arose early and gathered around a table of french toast, yogurt, and cut fruit. We tumbled our way to the Kimberley Platzl and set up our booth alongside the giant yodeling coo coo clock, surrounded by kitschy Canadianized German "culture", "fresh apple streudal, straight from the oven..." and oompa pa music for the Sunday morning Kimberley Farmer's Market. We experienced the most amazing response from the beautiful people of Kimberley. So much excitement about SelfDesign High and SelfDesign --- being supportive and encouraging to follow your passion. Parents of young children and youth met our offerings for them with excitement and amazement -- "this is possible??", "this really exists?" and "I've been looking for an alternative to regular school." etc...
Our banner grew. And grew. And will continue to grow. We think of if as an ongoing call to action. An opportunity to invite conversation. To build something together, regardless of where you live. To come together. To celebrate.
Sooo...in summary of the YUM East Kootenay tour :
YUM ate pizza, swam in cold rivers, visited local libraries, ate fruit, sang songs, admired flowers, played scrabble, talked about learning, ran through forests, plugged noses (thank you antiques and collectibles), asked questions, connected with East Kootenay youth, stenciled t-shirts, danced, giggled, turned wrong corners, visited waterfalls, swerved around squirrels, collected 100 mile diet lunch ingredients, pet cute dogs named Fart, sewed journals, photographed people and landscapes, video taped conversations, observed meteors, held one another with awe and respect and mutual respect. Oh ya, and we talked. A lot.
YUM tour, to be continued......
Call to action : Come find us in your community or add your passion to this blog post and we'll add it to our banner.
Next event : YUM at Marketfest in Nelson, BC this Friday, August 20th, from 6pm - 10pm.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Summer Visual Art Intensive in Action!
Wow. Four weeks have flown by in a jiffy! Our first ever Summer Visual Art Intensive is beginning to wrap up with an art exhibition at Oxygen Art Centre, scheduled to open this Friday night at 7pm. The past 3 1/2 weeks have been rich and inspiring. The dynamic created amongst our group of young artists has provided space for co-inspiration, debate, and a deep engagement with the creative process. With four mentors supporting the group, each bringing their own expertise and personal style and technique, the learners have been exposed to so much rich learning. The past week and a half has been independent studio time and the photos attached demonstrate the level of commitment and engagement each learner has been bringing to this exciting and inspiring summer intensive.
Learners are becoming informed and empowered with the knowledge of gallery and professional art practices. The exhibition is a collaborative project that is guided and supported by mentors, but really fueled by the learners themselves. This summer's exhibition is entitled, SREYAL (layers spelled backwards) and is reflective of the overall theme the learners have been working with of "inner/outer" and the concept of time. All of the work created is in honor of these two interconnected themes. It's very exciting to have a recognized artist-run centre, such as Oxygen, supporting these learners by providing them space to exhibit. The opening reception is Friday, July 30th from 7-9pm. Gallery hours on Saturday will be from 11-5pm and everyone is welcome.
Plans are in the works for an online exhibition catelogue with images of learners work and artist statements, so stay tuned. Artists represented in this year's show are Jamie Inniss, Oliver Arthur, Mag Beynon, Tyler Wright, and Julian Sloman.
If you are interested in joining us next year, please drop us a line at 250-354-1310 or info@selfdesignhigh.org.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
YUM does EPIC 2010

We had a booth where we met some of the Vancouver SelfDesign team, spread the word about our school and got introduced to Fang's new best friend:

We ran around the city in our free time, eating breakfast at Granville Island and loosing track of time in Opus, our favorite art supply store. Other activities included playing cards on Robson Street and getting to know the nice fellows at the auto repair shop in Langley a little too well.

Here's a glimpse of the madness through Olivia's eyes:
Mosh from Olivia Mansveld on Vimeo.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Up-cycle Fashion Show - A Review
The fashion show, that took place on Saturday, May 1st, had a great turn out. Many spectators watched as models strutted their way on and off the runway, and behind the doors of the uppermost floor, designers hurried about in a frenzy of make-up, fabric, and the natural high of a fashion show. But there was something special about this particular fashion show. It was not only the garments, but what they were made out of that made this show so unique. Designers were limited to only using recycled fabrics and materials, thus keeping many articles of unwanted clothing out of the landfill. Working hand in hand with the WIN store, Children Of the Seams raised over $700 which would then be donated to Kitchen Table Arts. Many great collections were showcased on May 1st , and the designers are hoping the Up-cycled fashion show will be an Annual Event.
Written by Tyler Wright, contributing designer
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Introducing Andrew Miedreich

I'm going to be Frank here, you can be someone else... I generally enjoy a good game of round-ball; I like music (a lot), it's pretty much my life; and I'm a freestyle photographer, don't get it confused with freelance photographer. I can't tell you what the difference is, but I know there is one. Photography is fun. My friend and I have been known to make thermos's of tea and wander town late at night taking pictures of things that we think will look cool. Really, it's just a good excuse to get out of the house. I also like photography because I can capture the moment, I'm never really sure of the moments significance in the end, but it makes me happy, so why not.
Friday, May 28, 2010
This Summer! For all you art lovers...

Instructional Workshops * * * Independent Exploration
A Summer Intensive for Youth, Ages 15-18, Who Are Passionate About Visual Arts.
Instructional Workshops are co-lead by experienced & dedicated mentors/professional artists and will cover: drawing, street art, art history, sketchbook & portfolio development, found sculpture, collaborative art making, printmaking, and gallery visits.
Independent Exploration - Studio time will be provided and supported within Oxygen Art Centre, a professional non-profit, artist run centre. Time will be structured around independent studio work (students will be guided and supported as they create a personal body of work), group & individual critique, and a student art exhibition.
Location : SelfDesign High & Oxygen Art Centre, Nelson BC
Fees: $90 (includes shared material costs- students are encouraged to bring their own materials, as well)
To Register : Visit our web site at www.selfdesignhigh.org or call 250-354-1310
Questions/ Inquiries : info@selfdesignhigh.org
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Printed 2009-2010 Yearbook

Send your creative self portraits / photos to yumintiative@gmail.com by Thursday, June 10th, 2010 if you want your photos included in our printed 2009-2010 Yearbook.
This is your Lassssttttt chance! You won't want to miss this opportunity! It's going to be a collectors item one day.....honestly

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
No Impact Man : A Film Review

The documentary No Impact Man follows the environmentally epic, year-long journey of Colin Beavan, his wife Machelle Conlin, their year-old little daughter and their dog as they try to live a life of zero negative, net impact. These means no transport (that isn't self-propelled), no takeout food, no electricity, no factory made cleaners, no imported food, no new anything and no toilet paper for a whole year.
Colin Beavan started the Year of No Impact with the modest hope that his families efforts might change something. He was planning to write a book about the experience, but he had no idea that his radical experiment would cause such a stir.
No Impact Man was directed by Laura Gabbert and Justin Schein and filmed in New York City, New York, U.S.A. in 2009. The documentary was released late 2009 early 2010.
The idea for a filmed bloomed when Machelle was having dinner with some of her friends who happened to be well connected in the movie biz. They had heard of the launching of the idea of the No Impact Man book and thought it would be powerful as a documentary.
I think it is a very good documentary to have out there, regarding the environment. Colin Beavan said that the journey was a philosophical one, not a scientific one. It's refreshing. In the history of documentaries advocating for the environment first philosophy was used, but [some] people ignored it. Science was then tried out. It swayed more people, freaked out some, confused others, was still ignored (by some). No Impact Man is bringing us full circle and I think more people than ever are waking up.
I give No Impact Man 4 ½ stars. It was a pretty effective documentary, but it was a documentary. That half star is for entertainment, it was entertaining but I had to pay attention, I couldn't get distracted or snack on popcorn (ohmygoodness, where does my popcorn come from? Ah!...at least it's not microwaved...)
Monday, May 17, 2010
Yummy Goes Thirsty

*a.k.a. the Environmental Science 12 class of Nelson, B.C.'s L.V. Rogers Secondary school
Yummy the Uni [corn]
My name is Yummy and I am unicorn who believes strongly in extensive, socially awkward* globe trotting (get it? trotting? har-dee-har-har).
I'm partially colour blind, I can only see white and pink.
My goal - to unite all of you, to enhance appreciation of what you might take for granted, to travel and meet every SelfDesign High learner across the province and the globe.
I am constantly on the move. Stay tuned as I blog about my adventures!
* Socially awkward in that you might get some funny looks carrying me around and being my photographer. Remember = different is cool.
Yummy Goes to Ottawa
"How Yummy had deep fried yam at the Hard Rock Cafe"
Where : the Hard Rock Cafe in the neighborhood of Ottawa's funky outdoor markets.
When: a sunny Sunday afternoon, in late April.
What: Yummy's first time eating out in public.
Who: Hangin' with that human and friends
Why: Encounters with Canada Environmental Conference
Sunday, May 16, 2010
the Game

I pulled you in sucked all your life,
your worth,
threw you back to the hungry pack.
Blew consciousness into your bewildered mind.
Lets play the game again.
Come, you give me fantasy perfection
I’ll lap at your love, toy with
the emotions of your pinkie finger.
It’s not you I want, don’t you know that?
The hidden treasure of the game
the brutally crashing ending is not
embryonic and thirsting
Not them:
desiring my imperfections,
It’s me:
with the darkness in my mouth
the frantic hunt in my eyes
the dead retributions in my limbs.
Now shall we play?
For you are blind
and I am willing
to steal the heart that’s willingly given me
to sew it to my sleeve, drag it to the depths of the dive.
Lets throw our bodies to the masses
let them devour the innocence
the fleshy parts of our mortality.
We shall emerge, gasping,
crying to Eve
for a snack.
Biting into the crisp skin I will look up
and realize
you are not the one I dreamed.
We have both been fooled. Lets
castrate the snake and blame
Adam, but,
in unreality,

It was all a game.
So, shall we play
The particular arrangement
of English symbols you have just read were imagined by
that human
the picture was ripped
from cyberspace
(a.k.a. Google Images)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What is TEDx?
At our TEDxSelfDesign High event, TEDTalks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including ours, are self-organized.
This Tedx is hosted by SelfDesign High in Nelson, BC Canada.
Our Theme
The theme for TEDx SelfDesign High, as decided by the Y-U-M Team, is Co-Inspiring the Future.
Having a theme gives our speakers a focal point, something around which their diversity can orbit.
Co-Inspiring the Future will run beneath everything surrounding our TEDxSelfDesign High event. It is our goal.
We hope you are just as excited -by the promising possibilities held in those four words- as we are.
If you have looked around this site, checked out posters, talked to people, started to get excited; you might be thinking you want to attend the TEDxSelfDesign event. Now you may have noticed that we never talk about where to buy tickets. That's because you can't buy tickets. There are no tickets, there are no fees. It is free to attend the TEDxSelfDesign event. There two important factors though.1) Only 100 people can attend. 2) If you want to be one of those 100 people you must ask. There will be a guest list.
If you would like to attend, to be on that guest list, please send the Y-U-M Team an email at yuminitiative@gmail.com.
See you there.
Check out more here: