What is TEDx?
At our TEDxSelfDesign High event, TEDTalks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including ours, are self-organized.
This Tedx is hosted by SelfDesign High in Nelson, BC Canada.
Our Theme
The theme for TEDx SelfDesign High, as decided by the Y-U-M Team, is Co-Inspiring the Future.
Having a theme gives our speakers a focal point, something around which their diversity can orbit.
Co-Inspiring the Future will run beneath everything surrounding our TEDxSelfDesign High event. It is our goal.
We hope you are just as excited -by the promising possibilities held in those four words- as we are.
If you have looked around this site, checked out posters, talked to people, started to get excited; you might be thinking you want to attend the TEDxSelfDesign event. Now you may have noticed that we never talk about where to buy tickets. That's because you can't buy tickets. There are no tickets, there are no fees. It is free to attend the TEDxSelfDesign event. There two important factors though.1) Only 100 people can attend. 2) If you want to be one of those 100 people you must ask. There will be a guest list.
If you would like to attend, to be on that guest list, please send the Y-U-M Team an email at yuminitiative@gmail.com.
See you there.
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