November 9, 2010
Starting the day off with a fantastically YUMmmmmy breakfast we spoke of intentions and an openness for the day we had already begun. What would transpire today? (So much) Would there be other youth there? (Nope) How would we be received? (With curious and evaded eyes) Many questions and nothing to do but throw ourselves in there and experience, collaborate and take it all in.
Listening to people tell us about activism, following passions, co-creating and connecting we wanted to stand up, throw our Passion Banner in the air and yell, "We're doing that!" We didn't then, in the midst of the carefully placed chairs, but it came a time where we could no longer wait for an invitation to share. And so came out the Passion Banner and a gaggle of ladies - look out! The shift in the room was palpable with curious eyes and some sense of relief that there was action, colour and questioning moving the talk to something more real.

Starting the day off with a fantastically YUMmmmmy breakfast we spoke of intentions and an openness for the day we had already begun. What would transpire today? (So much) Would there be other youth there? (Nope) How would we be received? (With curious and evaded eyes) Many questions and nothing to do but throw ourselves in there and experience, collaborate and take it all in.
Out of the hostel door
take a right
down the paved path overlooking the bay
the famous bridge to our left
palms, green, skyscrapers
then stairs down to the right
(watch out for the dog poo half way down)
across the parking lot
and into the Herbst Pavilion hanger where some global summitting is going on
Windows up high
cold enough to wear toques
an echo creating blended voices
It's Day 2
Listening to people tell us about activism, following passions, co-creating and connecting we wanted to stand up, throw our Passion Banner in the air and yell, "We're doing that!" We didn't then, in the midst of the carefully placed chairs, but it came a time where we could no longer wait for an invitation to share. And so came out the Passion Banner and a gaggle of ladies - look out! The shift in the room was palpable with curious eyes and some sense of relief that there was action, colour and questioning moving the talk to something more real.
We felt acknowledged, heard, and a part of that co-creation everyone was talking about.
From then on there was a sense of community and connection that had been slightly hidden for us. Serendipitous discussions brought about an opportunity for the LifeSpiral to come alive and we gathered all we could to participate - It's difficult to describe the experience as each person can dive deep within completely unaware of their effect on the greater group.
And so, our day was full of surprises and as we gathered in the kitchen to eat, our reflections came alive and we spoke of ourselves and of our experience of all that is going on here in San Francisco.
Peace & Sweet Dreams
~ Squints (who's been dropping rose bombs) & The Inquisitor
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