"Razor-sharp critique packaged as cute-kid-and-funny-animal cartoon."
Pretty much sums it up perfectly.
"it" being a graphic novel by Derrick Jensen, illustrated by Stephanie McMillan, provocatively titled AS THE WORLD BURNS: 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Stay in Denial.
the cover jumped out at me at the makeshift bookstore of San. Fran.'s Global Summit. PFD agreed to get it [in the name of expanding SDH's library].
200 pages later we agreed: stellar impulse buy!
A powerful mixture of blunt honesty and quirky, optimistic characters this book leaves you feeling purposeful (with s sense of urgency, no sitting on your butt after this book!)
I would recommend this book to an adolescent, an adult and a senior, truly a very current, must-read graphic novel.
I give it two thumbs up.
Reviewed by that human
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