Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Film Review - "Look at What the Light Did Now"

I've decided to review a film I haven't even seen yet. Funny, but true. All I know is that I LOVE Feist and I love what she does with her music and the way she pulls other talented people into her fold. This film is very much about taking one person (the star) out of the limelight and placing her within the crrooowwwddd of talented individuals that let this one star shine. You are brought on a multi-sensory journey through light and sound. What could be more beautiful? What could be more inspiring? I hope you check out this film! I know this one will soon end up on my book shelf for multiple viewings. Can't wait to see it!

posted by PDF


  1. hey PFD,
    Im booking my spot on your couch for one of these 'multiple viewings'.
    I'll bring the popcorn, and then afterwards we can gab about how great FEIST is as an artist AND a person (because, you know, we know her so well).

    see you then,

  2. hello fang,
    this is a confirmation message of your seat booking (date t.b.a.) for a multiple viewing of feist's beautiful film.

    can't wait.

