Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Summer Visual Art Intensive

The art intensive this summer was incredible for all those who participated. It was full of laughter and friendship from day to day, a memory that will last with the artists forever. The show it's self was enough of a pay off, the attendance that the community gave was glorious and we had more people come in and check the show out then we ever hoped.
For those of you who missed out on this amazing opportunity, do not fret. There is a video interview with all the artists, and pictures to show you what you missed, to satisfy your curiosity.
Sreyal: SelfDesign High Summer Art Intensive from Y.U.M. Initiative on Vimeo.
Monday, August 16, 2010
It's not a question. Questions imply a right and wrong answer. Its not a question, its a fact. Facts have origins. Your origin, your reason, can't be wrong. We can't judge it. We can be inspired, impressed. We can say "oh wow...i hadn't thought of that before now", but we can't reject it.
so: what is your passion?
On the the 14th of August, 2010, at the break of dawn (literally...)
zircon, fang, PFD, jooree, B and that human(also known as the YUM team)
...set off for an experimental, experiential, two day, bio-regional tour!
We set our booth up: tickle trunk, info, face painting, stickers and the center piece - our banner.
Using recycled bits of fabric, market goers were encouraged to write their passion(s) and safety pin it/them to our banner - a collective peace flag inspired, quilt resembled, patch work of collective community passions.
Next stop was Kimberley, BC, where we were met with warm, inviting, open arms. We stayed the night at the Little Cabin, surrounded by board games, mix matched dishes, and a multitude of nooks and crannies. There was excitement in the air - the electricity of staying somewhere new. Glancing around the room, we discovered a guest book, complete with entries from previous guests - B: "Let's do a workshop here!!!"
The next day, we arose early and gathered around a table of french toast, yogurt, and cut fruit. We tumbled our way to the Kimberley Platzl and set up our booth alongside the giant yodeling coo coo clock, surrounded by kitschy Canadianized German "culture", "fresh apple streudal, straight from the oven..." and oompa pa music for the Sunday morning Kimberley Farmer's Market. We experienced the most amazing response from the beautiful people of Kimberley. So much excitement about SelfDesign High and SelfDesign --- being supportive and encouraging to follow your passion. Parents of young children and youth met our offerings for them with excitement and amazement -- "this is possible??", "this really exists?" and "I've been looking for an alternative to regular school." etc...
Our banner grew. And grew. And will continue to grow. We think of if as an ongoing call to action. An opportunity to invite conversation. To build something together, regardless of where you live. To come together. To celebrate.
Sooo...in summary of the YUM East Kootenay tour :
YUM ate pizza, swam in cold rivers, visited local libraries, ate fruit, sang songs, admired flowers, played scrabble, talked about learning, ran through forests, plugged noses (thank you antiques and collectibles), asked questions, connected with East Kootenay youth, stenciled t-shirts, danced, giggled, turned wrong corners, visited waterfalls, swerved around squirrels, collected 100 mile diet lunch ingredients, pet cute dogs named Fart, sewed journals, photographed people and landscapes, video taped conversations, observed meteors, held one another with awe and respect and mutual respect. Oh ya, and we talked. A lot.
YUM tour, to be continued......
Call to action : Come find us in your community or add your passion to this blog post and we'll add it to our banner.
Next event : YUM at Marketfest in Nelson, BC this Friday, August 20th, from 6pm - 10pm.
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