Instructional Workshops * * * Independent Exploration
A Summer Intensive for Youth, Ages 15-18, Who Are Passionate About Visual Arts.
Instructional Workshops are co-lead by experienced & dedicated mentors/professional artists and will cover: drawing, street art, art history, sketchbook & portfolio development, found sculpture, collaborative art making, printmaking, and gallery visits.
Independent Exploration - Studio time will be provided and supported within Oxygen Art Centre, a professional non-profit, artist run centre. Time will be structured around independent studio work (students will be guided and supported as they create a personal body of work), group & individual critique, and a student art exhibition.
Location : SelfDesign High & Oxygen Art Centre, Nelson BC
Fees: $90 (includes shared material costs- students are encouraged to bring their own materials, as well)
To Register : Visit our web site at www.selfdesignhigh.org or call 250-354-1310
Questions/ Inquiries : info@selfdesignhigh.org